Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)


There are many different types of medications available that your vet may prescribe for your pet. We understand that it can all be a bit confusing, especially if you are given more than one type of medication.  We have prepared a brief summary of some of the more common products you may be given.


NSAIDs provide pain relief and act as an anti-inflammatory. They are usually tablets or a liquid to be given by mouth. It is important not to give more of these medications than your vet tells you to, and do not give them any more often than you are directed to on the label.


Click here for more information on NSAIDs via our partner site



Disclaimer:  This website has been designed to offer information surrounding the use of antibiotics and infection control for pet owners.  It does not replace advice from your veterinary surgeon.  If you believe your pet is unwell or you have any questions relating to their treatment, please always contact your veterinary surgeon for advice.